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Our Leadership


Michele Powers



Gabi Daigle

Vice President


Margaret Arrington



Joyce Eierman


Maribeth Love

2025 Membership Roster

Maggie Arrington

*Amy Beall
Kelsey Beall

Amy Campbell
Melanie Campbell

Louise Carr
Sarah Chester

Julia Clarke

Maribeth Connolly

Jennifer Corwell
Taylor Czawlytko

Gabi Daigle

Lesley Dickson
*Erin Dohony

Cindy Dwyer
*Joyce Eierman

*Nancy Farace

Gina Flood

Amy Floyd

Renee Heiderman

Alison Helmick

Kellie Hendley

Ann Marie Hoffmaster

Tina Hottendorf

Darby Jecelin

Beth Kennedy

Pamela Klecan

Kathy Lally-Beares
*Annmarie Langton
Maribeth Love
*Lauren Lynch

*Bridgid Martin
*Nina Martinez

Maria McManus

Michelle McManus

Emma Miller

Mary O’Donnell

Susan Oliver

Kelly Parks

*Michele Powers

Mary Anne Price

Kelly Rardon

Emma Saggers

Kira Schoeffield

Barbara Shenton

Krista Shreet

Tess Slimbaugh

Susan Venter

Pam Wampler

Ellen Ward

Kathy Young

*founding members

Past Presidents

2013- Mary Jo Rogers
2014- Nina Martinez
2015- Colleen Monahan
2018- Lauren Lynch
2020- Maribeth Love

2022- Maribeth Love

In Loving Memory

Elaine Monahan

If you feel your name has been omitted or need a correction please contact our website coordinator

contact us

The Friendly Daughters of Saint Patrick

PO Box 42257

Towson MD 21284-2257

The Friendly Daughters are a 501(3)(c) charitable organization

©2022 by Friendly Daughters of Saint Patrick.

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